Lifestyle Factors – Text Neck

Working with people in clinic face to face or via zoom is what I love. Watching individuals achieve tasks and movements they felt impossible when first starting with me makes work worth turning up for. Creating life changing, long lasting results is why anyone comes through my door in the first place; these changes can be impacted hugely by habitual factors outside of clinic, so unhelpful habits MUST be considered.

We are together for 1 out of 168 hours per week…

Together we can do the most amazing work in the hour a week we see one another, movement can become free and lots of positive changes can be made. However outside of that one hour there are another 167 before we meet once more. How those hours play out and minimalising any poor habits that may be adding to your pain puzzle are certainly just as important as completing your specific rehabilitation exercises.

One of the main factors I see more and more having a negative impact on my client base is ‘text neck’ especially in those with neuropathy (tingling sensations in hands / feet), neck, back and shoulder issues. Therefore am I implying that mobile phones are the devil and everyone should demolish them without hesitation…. Yes, but not purely because of pain reasons!

Check your screen time before you wreck your… neck?

Check your ‘screen time’ and think to yourself ‘could my neck pain be as a result of the amount of time I’m spending on my phone?’

Imagine the strain on your neck if you’re spending hours scrolling through the internet (I am aware of the irony), just to end up on a facebook page of someone you’ve never met and wondering ‘how did I get here?’

In particular if you’re struggling with neck, back or shoulder issues, cut that time down!!!

Why cut down your screen time?

  • You experience more of real life
  • You make the most of the company you’re in
  • You can fill your time with far more productive activities
  • You could alleviate some long term pain!

Reasons not to cut down your screen time

  • You might miss the life story of someone you haven’t seen for 20 years

Side note – if you’re a current client and tell me you didn’t have time to do your homework…. but your screen time is averaging two hours a day…. trouble is a foot!

Should you have any questions about text neck or any other mechanical issue you may be facing please get in touch.


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